Sunday, 28 April 2013

SKETCHBOOK, 27-28th April 2013

This week's offerings seem to be mostly of naked ladies. If I knew why, I would tell you. Honestly. But here & below are the images that rambled through my overwalked brain...

Thank you for strolling by...

Usually I try not to post "unfinished" drawings like this one. But, after I consigned it to the waste basket, I thought again because I like the idea behind it, which is, in the Victorian era of prudishness, while some people covered table's legs with modest cloths (True!) other Pre-Mary Whitehouse's  vandalised classical statues by taking hammers & knocking the penises off of male nudes (!)

In my imagination a wizened character named Winifred Cocktapper goes about her business taking the marbled phalluses home in a box to do whatever she does with them behind closed doors...


Sunday, 14 April 2013

Drawings & Sketches April 13th & 14th 2013...

This drawing was planned for something else, but then I started playing around with lettering and Letraset markers, hence this "title" drawing for the sketchbook extracts drawn over the last couple of days and posted below...

The Monk and the Fly...

More playing around with markers...

George and the Goldfish...

I'm sure that this happens more often that you think...

Top-Secret Shit-Kicking Dancing Trousers!!

Abandon Ship! Here's one I drew today in my sketch book. What's going on? Don't worry, everyting is explained in the picture. No, really. Have a look...

Drawings & Sketches (April '13)...

Yes, it's another spaceship crashing into an orifice... You'd think that I was obsessed, or something.

Anyway, the pungent fruits of this weekend's labours posted soon...

Sunday, 7 April 2013

"A Sound of Thunder..."

Good evening, afternoon, morning or, "Hello" to you in whichever time-zone you are renting or inhabiting right now. Or then, or afterwards, as the case may be.

Filthy Moods, the Time Machine for Clocksuckers Everywhen is back before your very eyes! We've got Disgruntled Dinosaurs, Traumatised Trees, Misanthropic Monsters and Abject Alliteration simply for your amusement...

Careful how you go, and mind the dinosaurs...

Big Fish. Small Pond. Sherlock's Unknown Case...

Yes, I know!

The Cruellest Month...

Another sophisticated and insightful political drawing loaded with biting commentary and cartoon tree-stumps..!

It's Sunday Sketches, done on a Sunday... Today in fact! And if the Blogger Slide Show works then you can see more. If not it's a "scroll & click" kinda' show...

Fingers crossed...


...another couple from inter nos (see previous posts...)

...Thank you for browsing! And finally...

Logo/Letterhead Designs...

That's what they are. The two "Ink!" ones are sketches for "Headers" for my writing Blog. I should really spend some time on it...

More Monsters!

Yep. More Monsters, that's my motto. If you're sitting there with a pen & paper and nothing to do but whistle, hey! Draw some monsters...

Thursday, 4 April 2013


Another early morning sketchbook drawing...

"I Want..."

So what? We all "want". What does he want anyway? And what's going on?

Okay, I confess. I drew this at about 7:30 this morning and I don't wake up til after 8am at the best of times....