Thursday, 14 February 2013

Hey! Monsters Need Love Too..!

...And what better way for Filthy Moods to express the true spirit of St Valentine's Day than an insane one-eyed monster in his underpants beset by a couple of overly amorous alien land-squids?

 What a sentimental old hack I am...

The Picasso Gag...

Picasso is one of my favourite artists. Not usually known for his humour, I think that he influenced most of the major cartoonists of the 20th Century, Searle, Francois, Steinberg, Scarfe, etc

But enough about that. This is a "gag" too obvious not to draw. My apology is in the post.

February Sketchbook (So Far...)

Despite technical difficulties (Among others - Don't get me started!) Here's a paltry but sincere offering of recent forays into my sketchbook...

 A bit of whimsical optimism...

Some of these things I should just keep to myself...

...maybe most of 'em!

The obligatory "warm up doodles"...

...Might do more with the Noferatu plant...

I've drawn maybe 5 versions of this Cave-girl/Jungle-girl thing in the past week or so and every time I start putting these cartoon birds and animals in the picture. Maybe I'm trying to tell myself something...?

...And that's it for now! See you on the next one or drop in anytime. We're always open, and if we're not, just sit on the step until a responsible looking adult turns up...

**New Bunch 'o Sketches**

...That's if I can get our fucking scanner to work! Hang in there...

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Martian Love Machine II

Good evening, Howdy, and What the Fuck? Yes, we live in confusing times. Even language ain't what it used to mean...

Huh? You know... Like investigation means "We examined ourselves and we are innocent", sleaze means "We're corrupt, but sleaze sounds funnier", recession means "There's not enough money for us to steal at the moment", and Prime Minister means "Dishonest Cunt".

Of course, all of this obvious blather is attempting to add a bit of gravitas (means "More money for the original art") to this crude yet jolly cartoon where a world exists in which Love means "War" and vice versa, plus it thinly disguises another sloppy Wally Wood (means "Cartoon Genius") knock off.

Plus, more Sketchbook drawing if you scroll downwards! Thank you for dropping by...

More!!! New Sketchy Book Stuff!!!

Good evening. Pour a drink, loosen your pants, sniff, smoke and brace yourselves! It's...

Another batch of crude and poorly conceived sketches mostly scrawled 2nd & 3rd Feb 2013...

I can't argue with this...

...Just to keep it "real"...

...Don't forget to be nice to each other!


Just another "pastoral" study. Nothin' else goin' on...

If I pencilled these things first, the figure wouldn't look so crap...

I wish I knew what this was. I started off drawing a Pope. You may have to figure this out...

Yeah, yeah... divert 'em with a fart joke. In colour... Yeah...

I love Junko Mizuno's stuff. Dunno what the duck & the other things here are? Oh, my wandering brain!

Anyway, back to normal: Vampire! (He was fighting a Zombie, but it looked shit, so I "trimmed" it...

...And, finally, for now, a character sketch...

That's it! Stay tuned for more inky stuff next time... Thanks for calling round!

Cyclops & Mermaid (Pencil Rough)

Here's a couple of "details" from a large picture I'm working on. As our scanner isn't big enough to to fit the whole thing, I've put as much as I can. Will get a "proper" photo/scan when it's inked & coloured...

Hope you like it!

"Whistlin' Boobs & Confused Monkeys"!

More Sketchbook drawings on the way... Stay tuned!