Thursday, 30 August 2012
Must've been having a Wally Wood moment or two (See posts below...) as this is an obvious reference to his iconic Superman parody for Mad Comics in the '50's.
But, what the hell... It's no secret that I'm a Wally Wood fan!
Ass Ghost Assassin!
I know... I know... Sometimes the drawing part of my brain forgets how to spell.
Although, that may be the least of the problems with this drawing...
"She's So Lucky..." / Is This It?
In the tradition of my "Before Breakfast" sketches, here are some of my, er... later in the evening sketches...
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Antisocial Monocular Carnivore...
Today's before/during/after breakfast (I lose track sometimes) drawing is taking the myth and hoping to get away with it.
At least you all know that, here at the Filthy Moods Home for Disgraceful Cartoonists, you can count on honesty and artistic integrity. And if we run out of it, then we'll tell you that we've got some more due to be delivered soon.
Oh, yeah... I wanted to draw a character with a bit of "movement" for a change...
Monday, 27 August 2012
The Inkaholic - A Self Portrait With Hyperbolic Comments...
Good afternoon.
Here, and below are some drawings & sketches done over the last few days.
There's a mix of "finished"stuff as well as the usual flashes of desperation drawn at fever pitch!
We've got unicorns, imaginary comic covers, funny animals and serious monsters! What more could you ask?
Entry free: Deposit your rational mind at the entrance and collect it, if and, when you leave. Remember, no pushing or shoving and try to keep the screams of disappointment to a minimum...
We can only promise that at the time of conception these little bastards looked amusing. If, in the light of day they've already lost some of their shiny charm, then we can only blame our muse.
Assuming that we can find out which disreputable bar she is frequenting at the moment.
Unicorn Porn!
I did this yesterday for Spike Dennis, who has an online exhibition here
Spike does a lot of interesting stuff, so check out his site.
Also, my wife, Rachel Gibson has a lovely piece of shadow puppetry in the online exhibition!
This one is drawn A4 size direct with markers on Heaton Cooper paper, which is a really nice surface to draw on.
"Filthy Moods Dream/Cover"...
I used to dream about "imaginary" comics and books (Maybe I should get out more...) and often they would be covered in indecipherable type or lettering and I remember struggling to read them in my dreams, so that I could wake up and draw them.
Of course, that rarely happened, and upon waking these brilliant and vivid images and stories seemed like nonsense.
Here's a colour drawing, done with markers (No pencils) onto cartridge paper, just to try to recreate one of these "dreams" (But mostly to try out markers on this paper...)
This (among other characters) features Bingo, the escaped lab monkey from the cover of the original Filthy Moods comic in 1994. He's looking a bit worse for wear here as he wanders amidst the populace of some limbo or other with his and the other character's daydreams colliding with each other...
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
"O, Gilded Youth!" -Or- "Excuse me, Officer, but I left my dignity in my other pants..."
Today's "Before Breakfast" cartoon, was, in order to defy convention, drawn after breakfast, which makes me wonder what I'm putting on my toast?
There appears to be a ceremonial, if not blatant religious scene going on here?
Perhaps it was influenced by my strict monastic lifestyle of self-denial and sobriety? Or perhaps my mind just hauled up some dim and distant childhood memory of a visit to church? Or, maybe I just wanted to stick a funny hat on the guy on the left and give the impression that he is some sort of priest... That and a bit of Latin should do the trick!
Clue: One of 'em is a priest, but it ain't the guy with the hat...
Monday, 20 August 2012
Concentration Is Essential...
Well, it's Monday, and while most people in the civilized world (Wherever that is) have rested or indulged their selves for the weekend, here at the Filthy Moods Workshop for Pretentious Cartoonists, there has been no such leniency.
Hell, no! Apart from some gratuitous drinking and uncharacteristic kindness to animals (Don't ask!) it's been sweat, blood and expensive marker pens all the way!
Yes! I have brooked no compromise in my search to uncover concealed truths, suppressed knowledge and the hidden secrets of the ID! I have traveled far into the depths of my tiny brain and paddled in the murky swamp of my childhood and sloshed about in the, er... er, the mixed metaphors of my adolescence. You won't believe what I found in there!
Anyway, you're not interested in that stuff, are you? So instead I drew some "funny" pictures.
"The Origin of Sex"
Here's a sketch drawn a couple of days ago. I'm sure that it merits some sort of explanation, but I don't have one.
Mother Nature,
William Blake
Andy Nukes!
I don't usually do unsolicited "greetings" cards or drawings, but I'll make an exception for cartoonist, Andy Nukes.
I know his stuff through Facebook and there's a good selection on Flickr too.
Andy's cartoons/drawings are full of the obvious pleasure that he gets from doing them, and he has more ideas than most of us would know what to do with! He draws as though he is the reincarnations of a Hermetic Monk, a demonic woodcut engraver and an '80's Punk Comix artist!
I also find that his cartoons/drawings have an optimism that I understand but can't duplicate in my own work. But mostly, his stuff is great fun to look at.
Oh, yeah... And today is his birthday.
Happy birthday, Andy!
"C'est Tout" & "Unghh!"
Hello. It's Monday, and here are a couple of my sketches from the weekend.
Nope. I'm not sure what's going on, either... There seems to be some complex relationships taking place between ladies, personal demons and anthropomorphs.
Best leave 'em to it, I say..!
C'est Tout,
Thursday, 16 August 2012
"Will It Never End!?" - More (!) Sketches...
Do you ever have this dream? Hmm? Just asking...
Anyway, here's a few marker on crappy newsprint sketches done today. While most of the previous posts in this "newsprint" style have been done in the dark and dismal moments snatched for coffee breaks, these were done as "warm up' drawings, as I am in the Filthy Moods studio this week, rather than a dingy office.
I never have any idea what I'm going to draw until I put the first couple of lines down, and I add dialogue after, if I think the characters need some. I find that the spontaneity of the process loosens up my drawing hand.
NB These are posted in "reverse" order to how they were drawn...
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Even More "Newsprint" Sketches..!
Well, here we go.
As I'm working on 'finished' art pieces that are too big to fit into our scanner (Hence the crappy photos on the previous posts...) I'll upload the last batch of the murky marker sketches drawn on newsprint. The one above is drawn A4, and the others are various sizes torn from A4 sheets. Just so you know...
These, unlike my sketchbook work, are less journeys into the depths of my brain, and more quick paddles in my hidden shallows.
Phew! Any old excuse, eh?
Stay tuned...
Saturday, 11 August 2012
Albert (Again!)...
...This time in lurid India ink, drawn with a brush on heavy cartridge paper. Almost finished...
Tank Girl - Ink Sample...
This is the (almost) finished ink version in B&W - The image size is 10 x 15" and it's inked with a brush.
When I've "touched up" the mistakes with white paint, I'll make a copy or three & add colour.
Fingers crossed & Enjoy...
Thursday, 9 August 2012
"Alien Chicken Farm" Print/Pencil Draft...
This one's nearly inked, and colour added soon (Though I may do a B/W version using letratones to make the finished print?)
Will photograph the inked version tomorrow to see...
Here's a photo of the inked version. Pen & Ink on heavy cartridge paper, image 26 x 37cm
Too large for the scanner, so just the photo to see how it looks...
Atalanta in Calydon - Colour Print...
Approx 26 x 36cm, this is the pencil rough for my latest print (See Posts below...)
Hopefully, the inked & coloured version will look good. This is one of my favourites so far.
Fingers crossed,
Stay tuned.
Tank Girl Sample...
Here & below are the pencils, lettering & partial inks of a colour Tank Girl page.
TG is copyright Jamie Hewlett & Alan Martin...
Albert in Progress! Or, "How Much Bull Can We Fit On This Page?"
Here is the pencil & partially inked 26 x 36cm original art for the popular "Albert the Bull" print. Destined to be a full colour signed edition from those cheeky but loveable guys at Filthy Moods/Ad.Verse.Press
Stay tuned.
Monday, 6 August 2012
Idols, Demons, etc...
Title piece to the Bone Idols & Demons mini-portfolio/prints/experiment.
Will explain later...
Sunday, 5 August 2012
An imp with scrolls and attitude, drawn as a letterhead/business card design.
Pen & Ink, about 3 x 5"
Friday, 3 August 2012
July/August 2012 Sketchbook...
If you've seen the latest posts on this Blog, then you'll know that I've been drawing distorted little demons all day.
Mustn't neglect the sketchbook though!
BONE IDOLS, And Other Newborn Demons
Here they are. I wanted to do some relatively "simple" images, that I could reproduce as small prints, cards or affordable portfolios. As I said in my earlier post, all these were drawn in one sitting this morning. One after the other. I must be crazy.
The "title plate' was an after thought to try to bring a bit a bit of coherence to these abstract, but cute demonic critters.
I'll probably add some names/short descriptions to each drawing soon too.
See previous post for a bit more info & don't forget to send me your comments.
Thank you for indulging me.
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