Sunday, 20 October 2013

" 'Tis The Age Of Reason!"

Some things should just stay in the sketchbook. Or in my brain. I woke up. I drew this. And here it is...

Grayscale Scan below for those with more sensitive eyeballs...

Girls & Dinosaurs II...

Further to the post somewhere below, and my researches into the literary artform of Dinoporn (Don't blame me! I'm just saying...) here is my version of the cover of one these (as yet to be written) fine works depicting that much neglected genre of Prehistoric Virginal Shepherdess Running off With Horny Dinosaur...

Aren't you glad that I tell you this stuff?

(Another!) Hallowe'en Cartoon ("In Progress")

"Experimenting" with coloured pencils & a bit of marker to see if I can get some interesting effects, here. It's not just drawing every line in "reverse" that is the problem, but picking the right colours to "invert"...

I may file this one under "Curiosities: Do not open till next Millenium". We'll see...

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Monday, 7 October 2013

Chasm of Broken Idols... (Markers)

Here's another "experiment" with various Promarkers. The Grayscale Scan is below...

I seem to be getting more interested in H.P. Lovecraft these days. When I was younger and first "discovered" him, HPL seemed to be regarded outside of the hardcore horror/fantasy fans as a bad writer. Partly because of his "lowbrow" subject matter, and also because of what was seen as verbose language, with long overly descriptive sentences to make money from the "penny per word" page rate of the Pulp Magazines that employed him.

While that view may apply to some of his early "Lord Dunsany" influenced writings, HPL's later work. (The Picture in the House, The Music of Erich Zann, Dreams Inside the Witch House, and especially Pickman's Model) are visionary masterpieces. I think that it is this complex dream-world and some of the desperate characters he created and plunged into mounting hysteria, with that masterful atmosphere of dread and awe that appeals to me.

Anyway, I've dedicated this drawing to the late, great Tom Sutton, the prolific comic book artist, illustrator, pornographer, painter and acolyte of H.P. Lovecraft's magnificent visions...

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Sketchbook - Oct 5th-6th '13

Over at the Filthy Moods Rest Home for Restless Cartoonists (Twinned with the Filthy Moods Care Home for Careless Cartoonists) it's been crayons at the ready all weekend. We gotta keep the inmates busy somehow...

Let's see what deranged scribblings the poor souls have produced for their generous portions of bread, water and semi-legal medication in this Special Existentialist Issue of the Filthy Moods Sketching Book...

This upbeat and romantical picture abuses lines from one our greatest popular songwriters in order to justify the trademark smut...

And some token Existentialism...

If I drew Superheroes, they'd probably look like this. So, I did, and they do...

I was asked by a greetings card company recently (No! Seriously!) to work for them. This is just a 10 minute sketch as Hallowe'en is approaching and I was idly kicking an idea or two around the desk...

I was thinking about H.P. Lovecraft and Germaine Greer was talking on the radio in the next room, and I drew this. Why? I don't know.

Trying out different makes of markers and seeing if they don't turn into a muddy mess when put together.

This is titled Science and the Workplace, No 74, but for some beer related reason I cut the caption/title off in the scan...

I, er...

"Unfinished" by sketchbook standards, but I liked the expressions, so here it is...

Another "unfinished" one. Posted here as I've been interested in the Minotaur myth for a long time. Partly because it's seeped into modern culture and thinking via such luminaries as Freud (Sigmund, not Emma) who used the symbolism of the myth to explain sexual guilt and the id (I think that the Ancient Greeks beat him to it though!), and Picasso, who identified with the man-beast/exile aspects. Me? I'm with Pablo, plust this stuff is fun to draw...

Trying to come up with a "simple" style and occasionally I think about doing a "contemporary" strip, but those monsters keep appearing on the paper...

Stay Cool & See you on the next one..!