Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Ducks and Philosophy...
Filosophy and Phunny Animals. What can go wrong?
He's a Cartoon Sensation! He's a movie! He's a Comic Book! He's a Theme Park! He's a... a... Fuckin' Lunch Box!!!
Okay. Not yet he ain't. But send me yer money and I'll imagine that he is. Just for you.
No refunds. No complaints. No exchanges. Please use the nearest exit...
And thank you for visiting the Blog with No Shame.
Monday, 26 August 2013
Dung Heaps and Pedestals
Another "tryout" for those Promarkers that I've been playing with all weekend. (See previous posts)
Token greyscale scan below for viewers of a more non-lurid disposition...
Harbinger of Hatred (You Know Who I mean...)
I've drawn political cartoons before, for various publications, exhibitions, etc, but always had trouble sitting before a photo or TV footage or (shudder) seeing those bastards in the flesh. I have to swallow the bile rising in my throat when I look at a politician.
So, here we go with another HPL inspired "monster" cartoon and the use of a bit of cartoon visual metaphor.
NB This was going to be in colour, but I fucked the arm up on the main character. Thank you for not noticing...
Cubby Hole and Her Reluctant Squid Pistol...
And what's wrong with a living pistol ??
Well, anyway below is the "greyscale" scan if the colur version is too much for you...
Nude Leaping Vampire
Sometimes when I start drawing in my Sketchbook (I don't pencil anything first) I usually forget to quit before I ruin the drawing. I didn't think that I could take this one any "further" without fucking it up.
So here it is...
Vampire Standing on Skull...
Not certain if it's a tiny vampire on a "normal" skull or a human-size blood-sucker on a giant skull?
If you know the answer then you're spending far too long thinking about these things...
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Monsters Sketches, August 24-25th 2013
It's Monsters & Marker pens in this week's offerings from the Filthy Moods Metaphorical Stable for Lame Excuses, not just because monsters are "easier" to draw, but to make the most of our finely tuned sophisticated humour, and well-balanced world view that you've come to expect from this learned Blog.
So, if you want to know what the guy in the detail below is lookin' at, and what's slithered off the end of my pen over the last day or two, then scroll downwards... You know the drill!
"Yo! Earth Geeks!!"
Here we go trying out some "new" marker pens to disguise another bunch of thin, half-boiled ideas to pass off as "humorous" and "satirical"with a few strategically placed "tones" to baffle you.
Below is the "Greyscale" scan of this sketchbook drawing...
This Modern World Cracks Me Up...
Another allegory riddled conundrum for the more discerning visitor to this Blog. Complicated, ain't it?
Demons, Etc...
More sketches "playing' with Letraset Promarkers, which are fun (depending on what surface you use...)
Greyscale scan of above...
Grey markers...
No tones, just a dumb bug with a home-made shiv...
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Imps & Wimps!
Welcome to the Filthy Moods Yard Sale for Thrifty Viewers... Just a grubby handful of sketches this time round...
This one was meant to be something else when I drew the girls face (I just start in ink with no idea what the sketches are going to be) and it turned into this.
Below is the "colour scan" which may or may not have more visual merit...
And while I'm here, check out my Steve Gibson Cartoonist/Writer page on Facebook !
Not The Animals !!!
Another ponder on Evolution...
C'mon, I ain't no "scientifical" person neither, but... But, somethin' somewhere, back in the dim ol' Pre-historical days, snuck in an' jerked off in our gene pool to kick-start this whole fuckin' thing...
Am I right?
Huh? Am I?
Uh... You guys still there???
Jeez! I try an' sound serious an' all you want is the "dirty Pitchurs"..!
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Sketches August 2013
Well, here we are with another enthusiastic, if meager offering of sketches.
Have a scroll downwards (You know the routine by now...) and hopefully you'll find something to give those tired ol' eyeballs and dwindling brain cells a bit of a jolt..!
Thank you for ogling.
Filthy Moods Fashion & Lifestyle Tips...
It's true! Here at the Filthy Moods Combo Catwalk & Clothing Clinic we don't just churn out gratuitous renderings of naked ladies, chubby chumps and useless monsters for cheap laughs for viewers who should know better (That's not you of course. I know that you have good taste and also respect my sincerity...)
Nope. We also take our social responsibilities seriously, and feel obliged to give sound and sensible advice. Thank you for listening. Please collect your pants over by the exit and visit us again soon for more illuminating, yet tasteful educational material ...
Poetry and Monsters
What could be a more sublime Cartoon ideal than the combination of famous poetry, taken out of context, and a rampaging monster?
But seriously, I think that I need to double check my meds...
"Do Ducks Believe in God?"
Yes, here at Filthy Moods we sure don't shirk from the big questions in life. No, sir! And c'mon, when was the last time that you saw a duck in a church? Huh? Huh?
Or maybe they're a different denomination and go there weekdays... How the hell would I know???
Where (And what) is "Smeebo"??
A publisher wrote to me the other day, who has translated some of my comic strips and asked what "Smeebo" means, because he couldn't translate it into Italian. I explained that it was just a nonsense word I had made up and stuck in some of my cartoons to amuse you guys (Yes, you!)
I drew this (unfinished) sketch in my sketchbook the other day...
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Warm Ups/Recent Sketches...
Here & below are a few recent sketches while I'm working on my "other" stuff.
Hope that you like 'em...
The Puzzled Chimera...
Drawn on on pastel paper... Very nice idea for that collector out there with an eye for a good investment.
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