Saturday, 20 July 2013

Yeah, I Know...

As you know, I don't keep photos, but here I am age 25 or 26 after making money drawing cartoons for an "Anti-Smoking" comic for Fleetway/IPC.

When it was published and I heard that the Government "endorsed" it I went out and spent the royalty cheque on cigarettes. I should have spent it on shirts...

Why the photo? I'm drawing stuff for my book "Ape-Iron and Other Drawings"  so not much to post this week.

Stay Cool.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

"Nature Notes" (Details)

This and below, are details of a drawing done on pastel paper with ink and markers. As it was too big for the scanner, I've posted the main details. I don't think that the subject requires any explanation...

"More Notions On Evolution"...

Sketchbook drawing.

Questions, questions... Did we become so fuckin' stupid on our own or did we have some "outside" help? Here, I'm subscribing to the extra terrestrial theory, but mainly because Martians are fun to draw.

Also, note that the little dinosaur makes another appearance in the lower corner to add a bit of levity to this weighty theory...

Thank you for indulging me.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Smashing Pumpkin!

Here & below are some unfinished/rejected (by me) recent sketchbook drawings that won't make it into my upcoming/impending/where-the-fuck-is-it? Book...

Thank you for staring.

Scientists Versus Greengrocers

Another one...

Eager Lady Holding Leering Severed Head

It is what it is...

Husbands & Accidents

Holy Moses!

Missing Piece...

Lurking Fish

Another Sketchbook Drawing...

Leaping Demon

Unfinished Sketchbook Drawing...

Stating The Obvious

Sketchbook Drawing...

Punk Vampire

Sketchbook Drawing...

Thursday, 4 July 2013