Sunday, 31 March 2013


Ah, this is more like it! Actually, I was going to draw Ghost Rider (The movie was on TV again the other night...) but after I drew the skull all this happened...

And is there such a thing as "too many comic books"? Hmph! Gonna have a serious word with my id...

Julia's Problems...

Yep. Julia and her "problems". It's all in the caption. Well, it's as much as I know...

Thank you for caring.

"Boys Will Be Boys..."

I know, I know! Organised Religion, Patriarchal attitudes, Obscene cherubs, helpless mortals, and that guy with the white beard... What was I thinking?

"Warm Ups"/"Let's Get Stoopid!"

This is what happens when you grab the pen & paper before you have woken up in the morning...

Friday, 29 March 2013

"The Hairdryer and the Martian"

Hairdryers and Martians? What's going on now? And he's bald! Why does he know so much about vintage hair accessories? Ahh! It must mean that you're back in the fucked up, but well meaning world of Filthy Moods...

Just lie back, close your eyes. No, hang on don't close your eyes. How can you see the fuckin' cartoons? Oh, hell...

There's a few new cartoons and sketches. Off we go..!

Even The "Cute Guys" Are Angry!

Sometimes (Probably more often than not...) I just begin by drawing an eye or a nose in the middle of the paper and whatever emerges, uh, emerges. Then I post them up on this Blog and feel obliged to try and explain what's going on.

And other times I think maybe it's best not to say anything...

What The Hell is George Playing At Now?

Well, I'm not too sure either. And what's an Oculator? And why does it speak Latin? What the heck is she reading? Oh, well... I've dedicated it to John Orlando maybe he knows???


"Stomp Stomp Stomp..." Oh, you know how it goes...

This is the "Mancunian Cyclops" and it's a character sketch for something I'm working on. Well, I'm supposed to be working on it but I'm sitting here having a Friday night beer and posting this stuff up...

"Mind Wanders" & Other Sketches 29.3.13

Here goes with some sketchbook stuff, but as the "slideshow" option seems to have been confiscated by Blogger, you'll probably need to click on each image...

Sunday, 24 March 2013

"Everyone's A Critic" & Other Sketches...

For some reason, Blogger won't let me (?) set up a "Slide-show" of my sketches and the images load up in a different window when you click on them... So I guess that there's been some update, that now means you'll need to "click" on each image... Plus due to heavy deadlines this week, I've just got these sketches culled from warm ups & roughs from yesterday & today. Fuckin' technology...!!!

"There's a Lot of Anticipation..."

More Pirate Girls...

White Worm Sketch...

Scene From The Meat Forest...

It's, uh a forest and it's made of meat, I guess...

Sunday, 17 March 2013

"You And The Anti-You"!

Where have we been, and what's going on? What exactly is the price of Freedom? And can you get a refund if you don't like it? What really happened to the economy? And what's for dinner?

Yes, Filthy Moods is back and it's almost 2 weeks since we slapped any heart-warming and nerve-jangling pictures up on this virtual, if slightly crumbling wall of ours.

To repay your patience and torment your sense of decency, there's 3 new cartoons plus a sketchbook/slideshow. All here and further down the Blog...

Thank you for not snoring.

Hell-Hound & The Prime Minister (Another Allegory...)

I like late 18th/early 19th century political engravings, especially James Gillray, and in particular his more outlandish "allegorical' and detailed prints. Gillray, along with Wm Hogarth's earlier works are the best of the era and evoke a nightmare-cartoon world filled with wild visual metaphors where statesmen are transformed into grotesque beasts and distorted versions of their selves in order to enact their political incompetencies on paper. These are the origins of the modern "editorial cartoon".

All this smoke & blather is intended to disguise my attempt above at a "political" cartoon...

Robo-Squid (Re-hashed & Redux!)

If here's a moral to this, it's "When in doubt flip through your old sketch books and re-hash a character"...

Yes, I am ashamed, but I did it anyway.

**Sketch Book** (March 7-17th)

Here is the "pick" of my sketchy book stuff from the past week or so. As usual, no pencilling or thinking beforehand. Just inky pens, willing sheets of paper and as much insanity as required.

Okay, grit your teeth, staple your eyelids open, keep the paramedics on "speed-dial" and off we go..!

All New Sketches!! On the Way!!!

A whole bunch of New Stuff posted soon..!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Beware False Idols!

You may have noticed that the Filthy Moods Sanitorium for Unsanitary Cartoonists has been a bit conspicuous by its absence, as opposed to being inconspicuous by its presence, lately.

Excuses aside, we're more or less back. A few more scars to add to the spurious battle-weary image and a few less brain-cells... But, fuck it. Enough blather...

Below are the meagre but sincere trimmings from a week or two's scribbles, scrawls & sweat filled fever-dreams...

Paltry Sketches/Fever Dreams...

And here they are... End of Feb/beginning of March '13, the, er... "more printable" of my sketchbook stuff torn from my sweaty paws! Or business as usual to the regular visitors to Filthy Moods...

Character design for an Oni type cartoon...

Sunday morning...


"Cat Lady" & Upside Down Devil...

5013 AD...


Dunno where I was going with this..?

A Girl and Her Pet...

Thank you for indulging me... Your psychiatrist's bills have now doubled.