Wednesday, 23 January 2013

"Virgins and Unicorns"...

Presenting another muster of snaggle-toothed survivors and conscientous objections from the latest foray into the imaginary battlefield that is the Filthy Moods Sketching Book...

Some of 'em didn't survive and ended up in the waste basket, or filed away in case I get desperate next time. But, those who did make it, in the name of Those Of Us Who Should Know Better, are presented below in another "slide show" of crude attention seeking, false bravado and trademark shameless bluster.

Please scroll downwards...

NB: The "Virgins & Unicorns" is a reference to the great B Kliban cartoon with the pantomime horse and the jaded prostitute. So I sort of "borrowed" the general idea for this drawing. Apologies to the late Mr Kliban. 

ALL NEW!!! More Sketches..!

They said that it couldn't be done! Erm, hang on... They said it shouldn't be done. But I did it anyway! Here's the "best" of my recent sketchybook stuff, mostly from 19/20th Jan...

Anyone out there who has ever met an egotistic, arrogant, fuckwit of a lowest level corporate office manager will get this... Bitter old bastard ain't I?

The Prodigal Squid... Ah, this is more like it. Cyborg enhanced talking squids... (I know! I know!)

Just what is it with me and Adam & Eve???

A heterodont is just a creature or animal that has unevenly sized/shaped teeth. I was scouring the dictionary for odd words. I need to get out more often...

Buncha' warm up doodles...

...still warmin'!

er... Hey! you know who you are... I draw what I see.


Emergency Caption required. Enquire within...

Yup. It's broken...

Yes, I can see it too!

I know what he's lookin' at...

...And that's it!

Stay tuned for more drawings!!

He's On His Way!

Here's a "reverse" image of the recent splurge of sketches that is posted above...

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

"If You Can't Be Lucky, At Least Be Edible"...

Good morning. And welcome to the latest batch of hatchlings from The Filthy Moods Hatchery for Hack Cartoonists (Incorporating Mixed Metaphors & Scrambled Similes, plc) 

Today, we have fearlessly combed the battlefields of the id, bravely roamed the haunted valleys of the ego, and rudely plumbed the very depths of the, er... oceans of the libido*. We have even read some comic books!

But we've forgotten most of what we found in there, and after sobering up a bit, have instead posted some cartoons scraped from recent sketchbooks...

*Wasn't kidding about the mixed metaphors was I?    

Young Hercules & The Cyclops...

γειά σου (Hello) No, of course I can't write in Greek, I got that from Google Translate.

Anyway, here we have the young (and super-strong) Hercules making himself at home in the cave of our poor misunderstood pal, Polyphemus, the carnivorous anti-social privacy loving cyclops.

No doubt the arrogant li'l god-tyke will come out best in the ensuing scrap. What's it all mean? :-

  Μικρή καθάρματα με με ένα κομμάτι της εξουσίας νομίζω ότι το «σπίτι» είναι, όπου και αν παρκάρετε το λίπος γαϊδούρια τους!

"A Few Sketches"...

Hello, and thank you for waiting. Now, sit down and tell me all about it. Yes, I'm always very interested in what you have to say!

So, how can I help? Ah! You have shameful thoughts and unsavoury urges that embarrass you? Why, that's what I'm here for! Just tell them to me and I'll translate them into, er... pictographic images so you don't have to think about them anymore.

What's that? No, of course I won't show them to anybody...

This one drawn on New Year's day... I think that we can assume that "Democracy" has come to mean the opposite of its original purpose with "modern politics"...

This Be The Verse is taken from the title of the famous sweary Larkin poem...

I think you all know where I'm coming from...

Also drawn New Year's Day, this was the first drawing of the year and quickly abandoned!

Dunno why I drew this?

"Real World"? "Dumb Clunk"? It could happen, y'know!

You may have to make up your own minds about this one... And, uh... It was drawn last Sunday.

Rejected sketch for some "decorations" for my comedy plays.

More foul-mouthed dinosaurs! When will I grow up?

...And that's it for now...

Thanks for dropping by! See you on the next buncha' scribbles...


Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Vanity of the Trees...

Except for a few hungover scribbles, this is the first Filthy Moods sketch of 2013. And while we ended the previous annus on a predictably sinister note (with the Serpent & Eve drawing), here's a bit of light relief before we delve into the usual darker stuff...


This little bastard offspring of Nosferatu is one of the few vampires that I've drawn. Like zombies, the mainstream media has been drenched with various versions of the ol' shapeshifting bloodsuckers over the last few years. Don't know what else to say on this one, except at least he's wearing pants..!

Psychic Space Dinosaur Sculptor!

Another unfinished sketch as we blunder our way into the "New Year"... I'm certain that the title has promises that the drawing doesn't deliver... But, y'know, that's what sketchbooks are for. And if you have a suitable caption, then please make a note of it & send to the usual fictitious address...