Sunday, 22 December 2013

"Tis The Season To Be Jolly..."

And of course, Christmas is also the time for self-doubt, guilt and some good old fashioned Angst...

But that isn't a reason not to draw rude cartoons...

Ain't It True.../Nerds Lost in Space...

Sketchbook drawings. The one below was going to be in colour too. But I didn't think it was "working". I posted it as below on Facebook and people preferred it to the other stuff that I posted at the time. You just can't tell..!

Monday, 16 December 2013

What's She Sayin'..?

We don't know! But, I bet she's wondering why you all are hanging around here when you could visit my Steve Gibson Cartoonist / Writer page over on Facebook and see a HUGE Gallery of this kind of stuff!!!

Sunday, 8 December 2013


Every now & again I look at Bode's colour strips (eg, Deadbone, the Cheech Wizard's from Nat Lampoon & Purple Pictography) and I try to design a bunch of characters with that sort of approach in mind...

"Flash in the Pan"

A couple of years ago I roughed out the blue pencil rough, as posted below, on "Blue line A4 Manga paper".

I wasn't pleased with the lettering, so I "shelved" it & found it the other day when looking for something to ink. I laid a sheet of tracing paper over the rough & re-lettered with Uni-Pin fine line markers & inked over the blue pencil lines with a Dalon brush & black W&N ink. I used grey Letraset Pro-Markers on the back like an old animation cell for the tones.

And, I always liked Flash Gordon. The Buster Crabbe serials were shown at a local cinema when I was a kid. But it's the Kurtzman/Wood MAD parody that infuses the approach to this comic page...     

Friday, 6 December 2013

"The Lurkin' Stiffs"

Online comic strip from 2010 that was abandoned when the website was shut down. This version coloured for the Blog post, here...

Greyscale scan below as I'm unsure which I like best...

Monday, 2 December 2013

The Original Sinners...


 You will all know by now that the Filthy Moods Historian Society for Hysterical So 'n' So's doesn't cut corners when it comes to digging up the truth about really important stuff...

Monday, 25 November 2013

APUCKALYPSE! (Colour Version)

Here we are. My promotional drawing (See below...) as posted by Ivan on PUCK! Facebook Page.

Some Great lookin' Art & Artists Scheduled for this!!!

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Alien Landscape With Spaceman and Geographical Anomalies...

Yeah, You'd think by now I'd know better, huh?

"Grayscale" scan below...

My Hidden Shallows...

"When the Truth is found to be lies/And all the Joy within you dies..." Who said that? Was it Grace Slick at Woodstock, or Jim Carrey in Cable Guy?

Anyway, here's another Sketchbook Cartoon drawn today...

Sonnets, Sirens 'n' Saps... (Plus a Couple o' "Rejects" & "Experiments With Markers)

Sketchbook Drawing 24th November 2013.

Sometimes, when I'm chiselling away in my Sketchbook, I like to practice lettering (Hey! I like doing it, ok?) and if any "dialogue" doesn't pop into my brain as I'm drawing, I'll occasionally pull a book off my shelf and open at random to copy out a few lines of verse or prose...

Often I get "lucky" and the text seems to fit the image. With this one, I referred to Shakespeare's Sonnets, which are so complex that people can't seem to agree who even wrote them! (I'm guessing Shakespeare - But don't spill da beans just yet. It's only been 500 years...)

Here's also a couple of "rejects" from my recent Sketchbook drawings...

Marker sketch...

Another one... There's a colour version of this, but I removed it because it looks so fuckin' awful.


"Greeting Vampire"...

Here's one done yesterday for a Birthday Card to be posted on Facebook.  I rejected it and drew another, as I think the tones are a bit fucked up.

Technical Whinge: I've noticed that some of the more subtle tones don't seem to register when they're posted, so I've made some originals (including this one) darker.

Sometimes it works. Sometimes it don't.

Saturday, 23 November 2013


Ivan Manuppelli or "HurricaneIvan", is the driving force (And then some!!) behind the Puck! Comic Party from 2011, and the forthcoming APUCKALYPSE. A collection of 100 Underground Cartoonists from around the world. Each Cartoonist writes and draws a "day" from the "Second Apocalypse" set in the town where they live. I have a page in the book.

This is a promotional Cartoon for Ivan's Facebook page. When he posts the colour version I'll post that here too...

The APUCKALYPSE is coming!!!

Sunday, 17 November 2013

"Zombie" Sketchbook - 16/17th Nov 2013

Over at the Filthy Moods Boneyard for Bone Idle Cartoonists, we've unearthed, not only another useless metaphor, but a few sketches to eat into your brain and chomp on your eyeballs while we're battling our way through a couple of Comix projects.

Here we go...

The "inset" bit was drawn on the back of an envelope while taking a break in a shitty office job the other day...

And what a shame it is...

Drew this for Cartoonist, Lee James Turnock, the force behind UG Comix HONK! Brilliant stuff! So stop reading this & go check him out!!

Still here? Okay, here's a drawing (Plus the rest of the page) that I drew earlier this week for my pal & Super Artist/Cartoonist, Eric N Peterson, for his birthday...

I know..!

And finally, for now, a quick sketch on the verso of a page that I was drawing on to figure out my next Comix project...

Stay Cool.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Dirty Bites Volume 2 !!

Dirty Bites is the demented but brilliant brain-child of British Cartoonist, Paul Steven Frosdick. (Check him out on Facebook if he's not banned again by the screamers & whingers) Paul's work is full of black humour, outrage and disgust. He infuses everything that he does with a gung-ho, punk spirit that fuels his work with manic energy.

I wrote the foreword and contributed a full-page Cartoon to Volume 1 earlier this year (Jeez! Was it that recent?) and last Saturday, Paul sent me a message asking me to draw one of the 3* "Variant" covers.

I had a lot to do, but, you kinda' get caught up in Paul's enthusiasm, so... by Sunday afternoon this was ready.

I wasn't sure if colour or tone was being used on the covers, so I made copies & this is the "toned" version.

Dirty Bites Volume 2 also features work by John Orlando, Banci Cartoonist & Rick Lamacher, among others, so check it out!

"Remember, it's dirty and it bites!"

*The other covers are by Paul S Frosdick and John Orlando

Saturday, 2 November 2013

"Oh, Yeah!"

Sketch on a tiny piece of pastel paper...

Sunday, 20 October 2013

" 'Tis The Age Of Reason!"

Some things should just stay in the sketchbook. Or in my brain. I woke up. I drew this. And here it is...

Grayscale Scan below for those with more sensitive eyeballs...

Girls & Dinosaurs II...

Further to the post somewhere below, and my researches into the literary artform of Dinoporn (Don't blame me! I'm just saying...) here is my version of the cover of one these (as yet to be written) fine works depicting that much neglected genre of Prehistoric Virginal Shepherdess Running off With Horny Dinosaur...

Aren't you glad that I tell you this stuff?

(Another!) Hallowe'en Cartoon ("In Progress")

"Experimenting" with coloured pencils & a bit of marker to see if I can get some interesting effects, here. It's not just drawing every line in "reverse" that is the problem, but picking the right colours to "invert"...

I may file this one under "Curiosities: Do not open till next Millenium". We'll see...

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Monday, 7 October 2013

Chasm of Broken Idols... (Markers)

Here's another "experiment" with various Promarkers. The Grayscale Scan is below...

I seem to be getting more interested in H.P. Lovecraft these days. When I was younger and first "discovered" him, HPL seemed to be regarded outside of the hardcore horror/fantasy fans as a bad writer. Partly because of his "lowbrow" subject matter, and also because of what was seen as verbose language, with long overly descriptive sentences to make money from the "penny per word" page rate of the Pulp Magazines that employed him.

While that view may apply to some of his early "Lord Dunsany" influenced writings, HPL's later work. (The Picture in the House, The Music of Erich Zann, Dreams Inside the Witch House, and especially Pickman's Model) are visionary masterpieces. I think that it is this complex dream-world and some of the desperate characters he created and plunged into mounting hysteria, with that masterful atmosphere of dread and awe that appeals to me.

Anyway, I've dedicated this drawing to the late, great Tom Sutton, the prolific comic book artist, illustrator, pornographer, painter and acolyte of H.P. Lovecraft's magnificent visions...