Sunday, 14 August 2011

Original Sinners _ The Video!

My New Brush...

I'm a bit fussy when it comes to brushes & ink (Even though I'll sketch & draw on a paving stone with a burnt twig if the mood takes me..) I usually use W&N Series 7 sables.

This is inked (Today!) with a Daler "Dalon" No 0 brush & sketched out first with a blue pencil. The whole thing took 30 minutes.

I must be slowing down these days...

Notebook Sketches...

I carry a little notebook around to write my script ideas in, but being a compulsive "scribbler" I end up drawing cartoons instead. Hey, why not?

Here's a few pages from my recent "notebook", including the preliminary drawing for my birthday card to the Great S Clay Wilson. And you thought that I didn't plan this stuff out, didn't you?